Monday, March 9, 2009

Monday's Adventures

We met Charles yesterday, and he took us to the Mayfield Casino.  On the way to the casino, we went through the infamous "intersection".  He managed it very well.  We saw very few people walking.  We spent one hour in this very small casino, I'd almost call it a parlor.  There were no more than 50 machines, a couple of roulette tables and a couple of black jack and I think one poker.  There was an upstairs, but that was private.  We couldn't figure out the money betting on the tables, so I gave the cashier 1000 shillings ($12.50) and she gave me 200 coins.  It took me an hour to loose those coins (Mike did use some).  We noticed while there that there were quite a few Indian women playing the machines and roulette.   Charles told us that very close to where we were was a new international casino - guess where we will be going sometime soon? When we left the casino, we went with Charles to pick up Kristoffer at the UN.  We had to park in a lot outside the gates, because Charles has not been able to get a pass because the machine that makes the pass has been broken.
Yesterday was the warmest it has been here - probably close to 90.  After we left the UN we saw a lot of people walking.  Some of them in sweaters and  one in particular in polar fleece.  I was really hot after looking at him.  The other thing I noticed while waiting for Kristoffer was that when the local Kenyans left the UN compound and were talking with each other, they were speaking either their tribal language or swahili.  So they could really speak three languages, because they all can speak English.

Ida went to the market yesterday and Lisa wanted her to get some zucchini squash for a casserole.  I tried to explain to Ida what a zucchini looked like and said it was long and green, I should have said it looked like a cucumber.  She came home with something that I don't know what it is.  When Ida came to work yesterday, there were not dishes to do, because Mike had cleaned the dishes the night before.  He was sweeping the ants in the mud room,  and Ida said to me that in her culture men would NEVER do that.  It was women's work.  Very interesting!

Grace continues to grow and change.  She has nights mixed up with days and Lisa is tired.  But she is nursing well and has lost 15 lbs.  We are happy to be here with them.  

I have enjoyed hearing from you, so please continue to write.  As far as answering on the blog, Lisa said down at the bottom there is a tab that says comment.  


  1. Hi Muellers! Congratulations on your new beautiful granddaughter!! She's so beautiful and I bet Molly can't wait to dress her up when she comes in June. I love your blog; my niece spend a few months in Tanzania so I love to hear more perspectives. Just wanted to say hello and enjoy the warmth as we have sleet...and Belle is having fun at her hotel with Auntie Meghan across the street!
    Take care...
    Marianne Nicastro
